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Burke Davis
Burke Davis

Couchbase is a distributed NoSQL cloud database that delivers versatility, performance, scalability, and financial value to cloud, mobile, on-premises, hybrid, distributed cloud, and edge computing applications.

Couchbase went public on NASDAQ in July 2021.

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Sorenson’s analysis didn’t just provide us with ideas to consider. They gave us very specific ways to address issues with our compensation, funnel management, and lead qualification models.”

Matt Cain

Founder Insights

Matt Cain Portrait

Matt Cain


“I started my career as a database engineer and had an intense personal interest in identifying companies and technologies that could support the new usage models that were breaking traditional databases,” said Rob Rueckert, Managing Partner of Sorenson Capital. “That’s how we landed on Couchbase. When we evaluated their technology and talked to their customers, it was clear that Couchbase was built to handle even the fastest-moving, highest-volume companies, like Walmart, Cisco, eBay, and PayPal.”

Couchbase is an operational database that sits at the heart of the web, mobile, and IOT applications that increasingly provide the foundation for digital economy businesses. In just over a decade, the company has established itself as the leader in terms of scalability, performance, and agile development environments across cloud, on-premises, and hybrid deployments.

“Sorenson’s analysis didn’t just provide us with ideas to consider. They gave us very specific ways to address issues with our compensation, funnel management, and lead qualification models.”

Matt Cain, Couchbase’s CEO said, “Sorenson has developed an expertise around new go-to-market strategies and go-to-market efficiency. They’ve helped us think about different ways we could optimize our sales models to improve cycle time and productivity.”

“By pulling and anonymizing data from Couchbase’s core systems, we were able to identify what Couchbase was doing well and where we thought they could make go-to-market improvements that could accelerate revenue growth,” Rob Rueckert explained. “Since we know every business is different, we used our analysis and benchmarks to provide suggestions and start a discussion. We then asked Matt and his leadership team to guide us on how we could help and where they would like us to dig in deeper.”

“What I most appreciate about Sorenson’s approach is that they are always available and very team-oriented,” said Matt Cain. “Their analysis didn’t just provide us with ideas to consider. They gave us very specific ways to address issues with our compensation, funnel management, and lead qualification models. Then, they let our operational teams figure out the best way to apply their analysis to help our business perform even better. They never dictate.”

Couchbase went public in July 2021. The company continues to expand its annual recurring revenue (ARR) and customer roster beyond the more than 30 Fortune 100 companies, including ATT, Verizon, Comcast, GE, and United Airlines, that already use Couchbase products. CEO Matt Cain concluded, “Rob Rueckert and the Sorenson team don’t like to call attention to themselves, but Couchbase’s success today is in large part due to Sorenson’s help.”



The CEO of the portfolio company listed above has not received any compensation for this feedback and did not invest in any Sorenson fund.

Matt Cain Portrait

Matt Cain

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