Always be selling.
Taking a walk and reading a book every night.
My neighborhood library.
Live a life without regrets.
Say no often, even when it's uncomfortable.
Throughout her career, Vidya has worked with teams that have taken over a dozen products from mere ideas to millions in revenue and eventually to product-market fit. She draws on her rich set of successes and failures, helping founders navigate the journey to product-market fit while simultaneously being an eternal student in the constantly evolving world of go-to-market techniques.
Vidya is passionate about partnering with technical founders with domain expertise and a desire to build a large business. She appreciates founders who think in first principles, dream big, and are keen to build companies that stand the test of time. Vidya’s primary focus is on startups that build for the builders, i.e., tools used by engineers. She’s passionate about working with companies in their earliest stages. She believes that the opportunity to have the most meaningful and direct impact is at that stage.
The portfolio companies listed above represent a subset of all investments made by Sorenson. It should not be assumed that future portfolio investments will be profitable or equal to the success of the companies in this list. A complete list of Sorenson investments is available upon request.